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Oneness Love. That is what we are – we are one with the Universe. Our purpose is to help you tell your love story. Oneness Love is about unconditional love and taking that leap in loving yourself by telling your story, and bringing your light into the world. We are here to help you begin your Journey in the written word. Words have power with each sentence, metaphor, and phrase. It has the ability to lift someone’s spirit, remind up we are not alone but are one, and are all in this together as one consciousness.

At Onenesslove Publishing, we believe that every individual’s story is a vital thread in the rich tapestry of our world. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive platform where unique voices can shine. We welcome the stories of special needs adults and kids, LGBTQIA+ advocates, passionate gamers, talented DJs, and captivating voice-over actors.

Why should you join us?

1. Celebrate Diversity: Our mission is to celebrate the diversity of human experiences. By sharing your story, you contribute to a more inclusive society where every narrative is valued.

2. Inspire Others: Your journey, challenges, and triumphs can inspire others who may be facing similar obstacles or simply seeking a role model to look up to.

3. Foster Connection: By sharing your story, you can connect with a community that appreciates and supports your unique journey. It’s an opportunity to build lasting connections with like-minded individuals.

4. Amplify Your Passion: Whether you’re a gamer, DJ, or voice-over actor, our platform provides a stage to showcase your talents and passions, potentially opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

5. Make an Impact: Your story has the potential to raise awareness, promote understanding, and drive positive change for the communities you represent.

Join us in weaving a tapestry of diverse narratives. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate world where every voice is heard and valued.

Ready to share your story? Get started with Onenesslove publishing today.